Opera LogoOpera 10 is here. It's a trending topic on Twitter at the moment.
I have been using Opera for quiet sometime now. It was the alternative for Firefox (sometimes for IE) when FF became too heavy and unstable. I used it especially during my internship where I worked on Ubuntu 8.04. I'm huge a fan of Opera Mini too, as I use it on my mobile.
Back to Opera 10:)
I wanted to experience it so I installed it.

Opera 10 - Start setup

Yes it's fast and has awesome features such as Turbocharge, Visual Tabs....

Opera 10 New Features Screenshot

But one thing worried me at the first instance. It didn't load my Twtter updates.

Twitter Updates not loaded on Opera 10
I looked at another site and it was the same. But after few minutes it was ok:D. May be it was something wrong with Twitter (As it sometimes does:) ).

Go and try out the new Opera 10 and share your experiences.



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