I wish you all a New Year filled with Love & Happiness. Hope this will be a wonderful new year for everyone.

Mmm.. 'Back Online' that's the title i put to this post. That's because i was rather off line for the last 3 weeks. I changed my ISP and the new ISP took 19days to activate the internet connection:(
As a result of that i had to heavily rely on mobile internet. It was a great experience. I could get the maximum use of a 3G mobile connection. I used some cool applications as well. So I hope to share those experiences in my future posts:)

Happy New Year 2009!


  1. Live, Love, Laugh, Write!  

    3 January 2009 at 07:28

    Happy New Year!

  2. Akila  

    14 January 2009 at 14:14

    @Rose Works Jewelry : Happy New Year for you too!

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