How to import Blog Posts as Facebook notes? This is a question some friends of mine asked recently. It is something I've been doing for quiet sometime (This service was enabled sometime ago). It's pretty easy. Let's see how to do it.

  1. First log in to your Facebook account and go to home page. There in the Applications area you can find the "Notes" link, and click on it. (If it does not appear there, you can view it by clicking more link)
    Facebook Applications

  2. When you go to notes page In the Notes Settings area click on the link "Import a blog"
    Import a blog to Facebook

  3. In the Import a Blog page, enter your blog url and click on "Start Importing"
    Blog URL
  4. The you will be directed to a page where you can preview the imported notes. At the bottom of that page you can see a button to confirm the import.
  5. Then check your "My Notes" area. You will be able to see all your imported notes. From now on whenever you publish a new blog post, it'll be automatically imported as a new note to Facebook.


Update (20.05.2009) : Here is a video :)


  1. The Fitness Diva  

    15 April 2009 at 06:41

    I had been wondering how to do this. Thanks for posting it! :)

  2. Akila  

    18 April 2009 at 18:45

    You are welcome! :)
    Thanks for your comment! :)

  3. Hayley/Shu Fen  

    19 May 2009 at 16:10

    great tip!

    but now there's a networked blogs application on facebook that u can do and it allows ppl to follow ur blogs and gets feed from ur blog :)

    Vicissitudes of Life

  4. Akila  

    20 May 2009 at 16:51

    This is without any additional apps;)

    Thanks for the info. It'll be great if you can provide more info on that.

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